Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Longest Day

"Twenty-four photographers. Twenty-four hours. Two teams. But there can be only ONE winner."

WPPI is right around the corner. What is WPPI? It is the mega of all conventions for photographers in Las Vegas. Why would a wedding planner care about WPPI? Well, all the great photographers will be there and the parties are fabulous. I only go for the networking and parties, I couldn't tell you squat about F Stop this or white balance that...but I can find tons of great industry friends. Since we do a lot of destination weddings, we like to use photographers from all over...

I've been watching episodes of "The Longest Day" .  At the end of this project, the winner earns $3k for their charity.  Click above on "The Longest Day to watch from the beginning.  You can watch the final product here:

You will recognize many of the names here:  Robert Evans, The [b]ecker, Joe Photo, Amber Horlitz, Dane Sanders, Brook Todd, Jasmine Star, Jessica Claire...the list goes on.  Here are my fave parts of the final product and I know you will enjoy them too:
  • Robert Evans, Mr. Tom and Katie himself...and his awesome equipment bag, uh, I mean sack
  • the [b]ecker with his 1's and 4's and bouncing light off the fat aunt - new fave words "Foof and Buttery"
  • Dane Sanders Fast "Crack" Photography book - we need one for wedding planners
  • Jules Bianchi and her gummy bear white balance solution
  • the Mike Colon spoof was very very funny...can't wait to ask him about his reaction
  • And please, can I send my personal photos to Kevin Kubota!?
  • Bambi Cantrell can carry her bling
  • And lastly, don't miss Brook Todd busting a move on stage, then off...

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