Wednesday, October 04, 2006

'Tis the season for giving

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes a matter of opportunity.” - Hippocrates
The fall is a great to sit back and think about what we have done for our community. Our community service is normally helping out various non-profits with their annual fundraisers. We may be stretching ourselves thin this fall on top of the corporate Holiday parties and weddings.

This beautiful piece of art is by the local artist, Brother Cletus Behlmann. Bro. Cletus Behlmann, a Marianist artist, arrived in San Antonio in 1977 and opened the St. Mary's University Art Center. Over the years patrons have come to recognize the distinctive "Cletus Style".
Creativity and imagination abound in his works. There is hardly a color on the palette that he does not use. Vibrant colors race across the canvas. Cletus is shockingly productive and works in a variety of media: acrylics, watercolor, stained glass, pastels, handmade paper, collages, linoleum prints, ceramics, crayolas, and others. The themes range from religious to folk art to abstract with an overall feeling of a celebration of life. Cletus has traveled and painted in much of the United States, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taipei, Bangkok, Mexico, Central America and most of the countries of Europe.
- source:
This piece is available for auction and is one of many pieces made by local artists, also including Robert Wurzbach and his sister, Emily Kinder. The annual fundraiser for the Rape Crisis Center will be Thursday, October 26 at the Alameda National Center for Latino Arts and Culture.

Also available for auction are Masks of Healing created by some prominent members of our community including: Governor and Mrs. Perry, Shelly Miles of WOAI, Susan Reed (this year's honorary chair) and Julian & Joaquin Castro.

Other notable fundraisers we are happy to help:
Eva's Heroes, November 11th, Sonterra Country Club, Noon
Mission Road Developmental Center - Grand Western Shindig, December 8th, Sunset Station, 7pm

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