because tomorrow is the wedding of Amy and Paul...and it will end over a year of planning, blood, sweat and tears (not literally blood, only sweat and tears!).
But diary, I am also very happy, because like many other past clients (worth mentioning here: Dana & Thomas, Amy & Paul of NYC, Saira & Toby, Kendra & Corey, Melissa & Scott, Deborah & Dan, Bonnie & Gal and many many more) I have gained two beautiful souls as lifelong friends. Jaz (my husband) and I have a lot of love for these two. We remember the excitement of our own wedding and how their focus although often on details of the wedding, has really been on preparing for a lifelong committment. Even one of kids said he couldn't believe Amy and Paul were finally getting married (inside joke: about 4 months ago, Amy was over and Antonio had other plans, but we were busy planning stuff...when she came over the next time, he said, "isn't she married yet!?") I got a little tinge in my gut during the rehearsal. I was trying to play it off and be cool chatting up with their photographer, holding one the bridesmaid's baby, but it didn't work. I was verklempt. It is all the more special because they are marrying in our personal place of worship, St. Anthony Mary Claret, where we have baptized our children and they have received their First Communion.
So diary, I better close for tonight and rest up, as I will be busy, helping my two new friends go down that path I went 13 years ago. Many years later, I still very happily married I have felt SO LUCKY. We wish them well and can't wait until tomorrow.
Here are some pictures of Amy and Paul, Jaz and I wish you many years of happiness and many beautiful, healthy chidlren in the near future.
Check these out. These are the table numbers for the reception. Your own sneak peak and you saw it here first.